主页 工具 站长工具 Clip-path 生成器

Clip-path 生成器

CSS clip-path 生成器

to add points
to custom polygon.

Custom shape

Round edges

The inset() shape optionally allows values similar to border-radius for rounded edges. This new feature may be buggy in your browser.

-webkit-clip-path: ; clip-path: ;

Round edges

The inset() shape optionally allows values similar to border-radius for rounded edges. This new feature may be buggy in your browser.

Custom shape


    Demo 尺寸


    Demo 背景

    显示 clip-path外部

    About Clip Paths

    clip-path 属性允许你将元素裁剪为基本形状(圆形,椭圆形,多边形或嵌入)或 SVG ,从而在 CSS 中制作复杂形状。


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